主要的装船单据shipping documents包括:海运提单 ocean bill of lading, 商业发票 commercial invoice, 和保险单 insurance policy等。
辅助单据包括:特定国家所需要的单据,如海关发票customs invoice、领事发票consular invoice、原产地证明书certificate of origin等;以及附属于商业发票的单据,如包装单packing list、重量体积单weight and measurement list、检验证明书certificate of inspection、其他单据other documents.
1. Shipping Instructions装运须知
2. your letter dated 19th August in connection with the above subject有关上述主题的来信
3. irrevocable letter of Credit No. 7634, amounting to 3,500, 第7634号保兑的、不可撤销的信用证计3,500英镑,
4. to be opened through the District Bank通过地方银行开出
5. arrange shipment of the goods booked by us with the least possible delay尽速安排装运我方所订货物
6. the local shipping company 本地轮船公司
7. We await your shipping advice. 我们等待你方装运通知。
8. to prove satisfactory to our customers使我们客户满意
9. We can assure you that repeat orders in increased quantities will be placed. 我们可以保证将大量续订。
10. close co-operation in this respect在这一方面的密切合作
11. to call your attention to the fact that…… 提请你方注意……
12. up to the present moment到目前为止
13. the shipment under the captioned contract装运标题合同项下货物
14. an early delivery早日交货
15. As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned有关各方面都殷切希望你方立即办理装运
16. shipping advice装运通知
17. the season is rapidly approaching销售季节很快临近
18. our buyers are badly in need of the goods我方买主急需该货
19. to effect shipment as soon as possible尽早装运
20. to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season在销售旺季开始时赶到
21. any delay in shipping our order对我方定货装运的任何延误
22. to involve us in no small difficulty使我们陷入不小的困境
23. your cooperation你方的合作
24. We have completed the above shipment in accordance with the stipulations set forth in the captioned Letter of Credit. 我们已按照标题信用证的规定将上述货物装运完毕。
25. one set of duplicate shipping documents装运单据副本一套
26. to take delivery of the goods when they duly a